Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin School of Library and Information Science



Prof. Dr. Heinz Pampel


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Heinz Pampel has been a professor for Information Management at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science since the end of 2022 as part of an ECDF-endowed professorship. Previously, he was deputy head of the Helmholtz Open Science Office of the Helmholtz Association. There he managed various projects on Open Science. He currently continues his work for Helmholtz as a Scientific Consultant. 

He studied library and media management in Stuttgart and received his doctorate in 2021 on the topic of Open Access at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His research interests include information infrastructures for Open Science, research data management, as well as Open Access, and developments in digital scholarly communication. 

He is active in various committees and initiatives related to the further development of information infrastructure. 

Personal Website: Profile.



Research Assistents

Laura Rothfritz, M.A.

Laura Rothfritz is a Research Assistant in Information Management. She studied at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and earned her BA in Library Management. In 2019 she completed her MA in Information Sciences. Since her BA she has worked as a Research Assistant for several research projects and took part in the development of the Digital Data Management MA Program in cooperation between IBI and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Her main research interests are in the area of research data management and open science with a special focus on socio-technological perspectives on collaborative activities in data management and data reuse and a strong relation to STS (Science and Technology Studies).



Marcel Wrzesinski

Marcel Wrzesinski is a Research Assistant in Information Management.



Studentische Mitarbeiterin

Pia Kretschmar

Pia Kretschmar is a student assistant at the Chair of Information Management. She has been studying Library and Information Science in combination with Scandinavian Studies since 2021.