Summer School Grimm-Zentrum
a project realised by the Berlin School of Library and Information Science and the University Library
Erasmus IPBib 2009: Das Grimm-Zentrum
(k)ein Bibliotheksmärchen
Project Information
When? 1. – 19. September 2009
Where? Berlin School of Library
and Information Science of the
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
What? - Presentations, Seminars, Workshops,
Discussions on the following
Information Literacy
Digitalising abd electronic Publishing
Library and Space
Modern Services in new Library Buildings
- Practical Excercises in the new Grimm-Zentrums
- Excursions in other Libraries within Berlin, Brandenburg and
Participants? - around 25 Students from Germany and other
Countries (HU + Partner Institutions)
- around 12 Professors of the HU and Partner Institutions
Language used during the Project? German, English
ECTS? 6 Credit Points possible