Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informations­wissen­schaft

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informations­wissen­schaft | Von Uns | BBK | Abstracts | WS21/22 | BBK: Quantitative assessments of metadata collections of research data repositories

Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium

11.01.2022 | 18 Uhr | ZOOM | Dorotheenstraße 26 | IBI

Quantitative assessment of metadata collections of research data repositories

Dorothea Strecker

IBI HU Berlin


Structured metadata enable and facilitate research data discovery and reuse. Although metadata records are often created and maintained at research data repositories, existing research offers limited insights into the relationship between repositories and metadata for research data. Addressing this issue, this presentation covers the results of a joint analysis of two data sources, DataCite and re3data, examining aspects of metadata quality in the context of re- search data. Properties of metadata records were analyzed and put in relation with char- acteristics of the repositories entrusted with their curation (for example, the certification status). In addition, metadata practices at repositories were examined based on changes to metadata records, demonstrating that metadata records are dynamic objects.


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14.12. Interactive Information Retrieval Zum Gesamtprogramm 25.01. digitale Veranstaltungen