Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informations­wissen­schaft

Call for Submissions

A Special Issue of The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI)

Forced Migration: Making Sense of a Complex Ecosystem


We seek to bring together researchers from the information fields broadly construed, along with researchers in related disciplines, to showcase a range of concepts, practices, and methodologies available for deeper engagement with issues related to forced migration. We invite work offering diverse perspectives on forced migration as a means of enriching our understanding of the range of actors involved in this complex ecosystem. Contributions to this special issue may look at forced migration through the lens of information and media practices, embodied experiences, memory work and curation, discourses and practices around diversity, and community building in a global and digital world. This approach will pave the way for a broader interdisciplinary conversation on forced migration.


We welcome a broad spectrum of submissions that touch on the following aspects:

  • Frameworks that account for diverse information practices related to forced migration (including material, symbolic, affective dimensions);
  • The evolution of conceptual frameworks for understanding forced migration in an age of migration and displacement (including the role of social media and online spaces in creating/regaining a sense of place; credibility and assessment; multilingual interactions; user-generated content);
  • Current and future roles of cultural and memory institutions as resources on, and sites for, the documentation and curation of migration experiences and practices in our networked world (i.e., How can we best make space for refugees? Voice and agency);
  • Understanding the role of design, meaning-making, authenticity, and performativity in the context of diverse migratory experiences;
  • Practical initiatives and case studies from libraries, museums, archives, non-profit and settlement sectors, NGOs, policymaking and governance bodies around engaging and working with refugees and other forced migrants.


We invite fully developed research papers for the Articles section, as well as shorter submissions for the Special sections; the latter may include opinion/viewpoint pieces, work in progress, reports from the field, doctoral projects, and theory-to-practice essays.


Submission Process – Important Dates

April 30, 2019: Expressions of interest (name, role and affiliation; Extended abstracts of up to 1,000 words for full research papers, and up to 500 words for contributions to the special section). Please email your submissions to:

May 30, 2019: Notification of acceptance

October 15, 2019: Full papers due

April 2020: Special issue published


This issue will be guest edited by:


Author Guidelines and Peer Review Process

Please consult IJIDI Author Guidelines and IJIDI Peer Review Process at


Any questions related to this issue should be addressed to

Also see the link to the official website.