Public lunch talk am Montag 3.12. im iLab
Kristin R. Eschenfelder: Transborder Data Flows and the European Data Archive Community: A Retrospective Look
Today’s highly networked existence and open science initiatives encourage the idea that access to, and reuse of data be frictionless. But many examples of data frictions slow down, or preclude, the movement of data across national borders and organizational boundaries. In this talk I use the example of the Eurobarometer data set, a European Commission sponsored collection of cross-national data on social issues, as an example to discuss how data archives have managed transborder data flows from the 1970s to the mid-2000s, both within Europe, and to the United States. I will describe early “fishing ground” agreements that represented norms for transborder data flows, and I will discuss how data archives moved data across borders in order to share the curatorial burden required by these large data sets.