Welcome to IPBib 2009 in Berlin
A project realised by Berlin School of Library and Information Science and the University Library of Humboldt-Universität Berlin

IPBib 2009 in Berlin took place from 01/09/2009 til 19/09/2009.
On the following pages you can find more information about:
- Project Information of IPBib 2009 in Berlin
- Programme of IPBib 2009 in Berlin
- and Pictures of IPBib 2009 in Berlin
Have a look!
The summer school IPBib 2009 profits from the historical unique situation that Humboldt University is building a new university library - the Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum. This includes restructuring a traditional depot library from the 19th century into a modern open access library. The restructuring includes moving twelve departmental libraries from the humanities into the new Grimm-Zentrum. With approximately two million mediums the Grimm-Zentrum will be the biggest open access library in Germany.
The aim of this project is to enable students to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge of necessary constructional, logistic, technological, classificatory and stock-securing solutions. Apart from the implementation of new technologies the students will experience the expansion of modern library services, they will also compare national concepts and experiences. This knowledge and experience qualifies the participating students for managing libraries, for the implementation of concepts as well as managing and designing processes. These students will enrich already existing courses; experiences from this summer school will respond to course material of the participating universities. Sustainability of the project is secured by the new construction of the University Library in Lithuania in 2010 as well the anticipated programme to draw a balance about new scholarly libraries in Vienna in 2011.
The target group are library and information science students (Bachelor and Master). The courses will comprise of workshops and discussions as well as seminars and lectures. Workshops held by employees of the library as well as excursions to other libraries and information providers supplement the summer school. The geographic origin of the participating partners advances the multilateral dialogue between old and new European Union members. Additionally it will support the creation of international and interdisciplinary networks on the level of academic studies and education. As German will be the working language heightening fluency is to be expected.
The open source e-learning platform Moodle, integrated into the projects website, will be used for preparing, accompanying and following up the project. Contributions from professors and students shall be summarized and submitted to the 99th German Bibliothekartag (library convention) in Leipzig in 2010. This summer school (6 ECTS-points) can be accredited to the participants academic studies.