Publikationen am IBI
In:Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. Handbuch zur Einführung in die Informationswissenschaft und -praxis, ed. by R. Kuhlen, W. Semar, D. Lewandowski & C. Womser-Hacker (Hrsg.), De Gruyter Saur. |
In:Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. Handbuch zur Einführung in die Informationswissenschaft und -praxis, ed. by R. Kuhlen, W. Semar, D. Lewandowski & C. Womser-Hacker (Hrsg.), De Gruyter Saur. |
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5:868249. |
In:Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, pp. 141--149, ACM. Canberra ACT Australia, |
(8) |
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 58(1):117--126. |
(55(8)) |
(24(2)) |
(24(3)) |
BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, (1/2019):40-44. |
ABI Technik, 39(1):26–33. |
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 43(3):421–431. |
In:Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019, ed. by Bogers T., Dodson S., Gäde M., Freund L., Hall M. M., Koolen M., Petras V., Pharo N., Skov M., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2337. |
In:Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019, ed. by Bogers T., Dodson S., Gäde M., Freund L., Hall M. M., Koolen M., Petras V., Pharo N., Skov M., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2337. |
In:Information in Contemporary Society. iConference 2019 Proceedings, ed. by Taylor N., Christian-Lamb C., Martin M., Nardi B., pp. 503-515, Springer, Cham. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11420. |
In:Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), Glasgow, UK, March 14, 2019, ed. by Bogers T., Dodson S., Gäde M., Freund L., Hall M. M., Koolen M., Petras V., Pharo N., Skov M., CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2337. |
In:Good Systems: Ethical AI for CSCW, Workshop at CSCW '19: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, |
In:Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2018, ed. by Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 846, pp. 37-49, Springer, Cham. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 846. |
The Electronic Library, 37(3):506-527. |
Data Science Journal, 18(1):22. |
Data Science Journal, 18(1):22. |
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35:34--42. |
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71:474--484. |
In:Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR 2019), pp. 389–392, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
In:Transforming Digital Worlds. iConference 2018, ed. by Chowdhury G., McLeod J., Gillet V., Willett P., pp. 527-536, Springer. |
Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis, 69(5-6):283-287. |
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), 69(12):414–1427. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 34 |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 34 |
ABI Technik, 38(1):37-45. |
In:Unsicherheiten der Technikentwicklung, ed. by Redlich T, Weidner R, pp. 10-25, Cuvillier Verlag. (ISBN: 9783736987821) |
ACM SIGIR Forum, 52(1):119-128. |
In: Journal of Documentation, 74 (1):119-136. |
Information Research, 23(2):paper 794. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 34 |
In:Transforming Digital Worlds. iConference 2018 Proceedings, ed. by Chowdhury G., McLeod J., Gillet V., Willett P., pp. 323-334, Springer, Cham. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10766. |
In:Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR 2018), pp. 382–385, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
In:8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017, ed. by Jones GJ, Lawless S, Gonzalo J, Kelly L, Goeuriot L, Mandl T, Cappellato L, Ferro N, pp. 29-42, Springer. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017, Dublin, Ireland, September 11–14, 2017, Proceedings, |
In:8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017, ed. by Jones GJ, Lawless S, Gonzalo J, Kelly L, Goeuriot L, Mandl T, Cappellato L, Ferro N, pp. 16-28, Springer. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2017, Dublin, Ireland, September 11–14, 2017, Proceedings, |
In:21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2017, pp. 233-245, Springer. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 18-21, 2017, Proceedings, |
In:iConference 2017, iConference 2017 Proceedings, |
In:iConference 2017 Proceedings, pp. 525-541, |
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 68 (4):263–270. |
In: Bibliotheksdienst, 51(5) |
In:Workshop on (meta-)data quality at 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, |
In:Proceedings of the DHd 2017, pp. 120–124, DHd '17. |
Bibliotheksdienst, 51(10-11):935-942. |
Bibliotheksdienst, 51(10-11):891-900. |
In:DHd 2017 - Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, pp. 124-128, |
Datenbank-Spektrum, 17(1):41-46. |
In:15th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2017); Berlin, Germany, 13th—15th March 2017, ed. by Gäde M, Trkulja V, Petras V, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft. Glückstadt, |
o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 4(1):32-47. |
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, Ahead of print |
In:Peter Schirmbacher sei Dank. E(hren)-Journal anlässlich seiner Emeritierung als Professor am Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ed. by Boris Jacob UM, E(hren)-Journal. |
In:Everything Changes, Everything Stays the Same? Understanding Information Spaces. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Information Science, ed. by Maria Gäde VP, pp. 371-373, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. |
The Journal of Web Science, 3(1):1–15. |
Learned Publishing, 30:289-300. |
In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(1):22-35. |
In:Second Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval (CHIIR 2017), ed. by Koolen M, Kamps J, Bogers T, Belkin N, Kelly D, Yilmaz E, pp. 12-15, CEUR. Oslo, Norway, |
In:15th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2017), ed. by Gäde M, Trkulja V, Petras V, pp. 164-176, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft. Glückstadt, Germany, |
Morgan Claypool. |
Data and Information Management, 1(1):17–34. |
D-Lib, 23(3/4) |
ABI Technik - Zeitschrift für Automation, Bau und Technik im Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 37(1):2-11. |
In:Bibliothek - Forschung für die Praxis. Festschrift für Konrad Umlauf zum 65. Geburtstag., ed. by Petra Hauke AK&VP, pp. 32-45, De Gruyter Saur. (ISBN: 978-3-11-052233-4) |
PLoS ONE, 12(6) |
Digital Literary Studies, |
Password, (1):6–8. |
Bibliothek - Forschung und Praxis, 40(2):250-258. |
In:DHd 2016 - 3. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V., ed. by Burr E, pp. 316-317, nisaba. DHd 2016 Modellierung - Vernetzung - Visualisierung Die Digital Humanities als fächerübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma - Konferenzabstracts, |
In:3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II - How to Manage Data and Knowledge Related to Interpretative Digital 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage, ed. by Münster S, Pfarr-Harfst M, Kuroczyński P, Ioannides M, pp. 47-61, Springer. 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II How to Manage Data and Knowledge Related to Interpretative Digital 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage, |
De Gruyter Saur. |
In:Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, ed. by Fuhr N, Kovács L, Risse T, Nejdl W, pp. 266-278, Springer International Publishing. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, Hannover, Germany, September 5–9, 2016, Proceedings, |
Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, |
In:CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Balog K, Cappellato L, Ferro N, Macdonald C, pp. 1097-1105, CEUR. Évora, Portugal, |
Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions, 9(2) |
In:Surviving the Gulag: A German Woman's Memoir , ed. by Marshall H, pp. XXIX-XXXVIII, University of Alberta Press. |
In:2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, ASIST 2016, pp. 10 p., Copenhagen, Denmark, |
Library Hi Tech, 34(1) |
In:DHd 2016 - 3. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V., ed. by Burr E, pp. 143-146, |
In:Bibliothek der Zukunft. Zukunft der Bibliothek, ed. by Degkwitz A, pp. 156-164, De Gruyter. |
In:7th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2016, ed. by Fuhr N, Quaresma P, Gonçalves T, Larsen B, Balog K, Macdonald C, Cappellato L, Ferro N, pp. 351-370, Springer. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction 7th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2016, Évora, Portugal, September 5-8, 2016, Proceedings, |
In:CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Balog K, Cappellato L, Ferro N, Macdonald C, pp. 1024-1038, CEUR. Working Notes of CLEF 2016 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation forum, |
Journal of Informetrics, 10(3):732–749. |
BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 68(5):60-66. |
In:2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, ASIST 2016, pp. 7 p., Association for Information Science and Technology. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2016, |
In:Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, NLP+CSS at WebSci. Hannover, Germany, |
In:20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, Hannover, Germany, September 5–9, 2016, ed. by Fuhr N, Kovács L, Risse T, Nejdl W, pp. 392-397, Springer. Hannover, Germany, |
SIGWEB Newsletter, (Summer):1:1–1:7. |
In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 62(12):2858–2870 . |
In: iConference Proceedings, |
Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 7(3):40:1–40:33. |
In:ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval - CHIIR 2016, pp. 257-260, ACM. CHIIR '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, |
In:Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science, NLP+CSS at WebSci. Hannover, Germany, |
In:20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, ed. by Fuhr N, Kovács L, Risse T, Nejdl W, pp. 335-346, Springer. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, Hannover, Germany, September 5–9, 2016, Proceedings, |
In:Strategien für die Bibliothek als Ort : Festschrift für Petra Hauke zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. by Umlauf, Konrad / Werner, Klaus Ulrich / Kaufmann, Andrea, pp. 281-296, De Gruyter Saur. (ISBN: 9783110481037) |
In:Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Online Safety, Trust and Fraud Prevention, pp. 2:1–2:6, ACM. OnSt '16. New York, NY, USA, |
In:Cultural Heritage Information: Access and management, ed. by Ruthven I, Chowdury G, pp. 153 - 176, Facet Publishing. |
In:iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA, |
DARIAH-DE Working Papers, (11) |
o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(3):81-88. |
De Gruyter Saur. |
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 39(2):143–149. |
In:Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference, pp. 67:1–67:2, ACM. WebSci '15. New York, NY, USA, |
In: Stefanie Elbeshausen, Gertrud Faaß, Joachim Griesbaum, Ben Heuwing, Julia Jürgens (Ed.), HIER Workshop, |
In:CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Mothe J, Savoy J, Kamps J, Pinel-Sauvagnat K, Jones G, Juan ES, Cappellato L, Ferro N, pp. 545-564, Springer. Toulouse, France, |
In:CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Cappellato L, Ferro N, Jones GJF, Juan ES, Toulouse, France, |
SIGIR Forum, 49(1):50-56. |
In:First International Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks co-located with the 37th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2015), ed. by Gäde M, Hall MM, Huurdeman HC, Kamps J, Koolen M, Skov M, Toms E, Walsh D, CEUR. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. |
In:Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pp. 97–106, Association for Computational Linguistics. |
In:Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, ACM. i-KNOW '15. New York, NY, USA, |
In:8. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien: Beiträge der Fachtagung 08.06-09.06.2015 in Lübeck, ed. by Müller, P., Neumair, B., Reiser, H., Rodosek, G. D., pp. 13-22, GI-Edition: lecture notes in informatics. |
In:37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, ed. by Hanbury A, Kazai G, Rauber A, Fuhr N, pp. 841-844, Springer. Vienna, Austria, |
In:CLEF 2015 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Cappellato L, Ferro N, Jones GJF, Juan ES, CEUR. Toulouse, France, |
In: Information Wissenschaft Praxis, 66(1):37-44. |
Password, (3):20–21. |
In:Metadata and Semantics Research - 8th Research Conference, MTSR 2014, ed. by Closs S, Studer R, Garoufallou E, Sicilia M, pp. 238-249, Springer International Publishing. Karlsruhe, Germany, |
Library Trends, 63(2):197-211. |
In:Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. 5th International Conference, EuroMed 2014, ed. by Ioannides M, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Fink E, Žarnić R, Yen A, Quak E, pp. 238-247, Springer International Publishing. Limassol, Cyprus, |
In:The Discipline of Organizing, ed. by Glushko RJ, pp. 363-400, O'Reilly Media. |
Password, (5):10–11. |
Libreas. Library Ideas , 24:1-4. |
Password, (2):24–26. |
In:3. DGI-Konferenz, 66. Jahrestagung der DGI, ed. by Ockenfeld M, pp. 129-140, Informationsqualität und Wissensgenerierung. Proceedings der 3. DGI-Konferenz, 66. Jahrestagung der DGI, |
In:Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Proceedings, |
In:Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Web Science, pp. 23–30, ACM. WebSci '14. New York, NY, USA, |
In:DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications in Austin, Texas, 8-11 October 2014, ed. by Moen W, Rushing A, pp. 1–11, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Austin, Texas, USA, |
In:CoScience - Gemeinsam forschen und publizieren mit dem Netz, pp. 12–20, Technische Informationsbibliothek. |
In:IIiX '14 Fifth Information Interaction in Context Symposium Regensburg, Germany — August 26 - 29, 2014, pp. 231-234, ACM. Regensburg, Germany, |
Password, (7+8):28–29. |
In:Conference Proceedings IFLA 2014, |
In:Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, |
Library and Information Research, 38(118) |
In:Proceedings of ISIC: the information behaviour conference 2014, |
In:iConference 2014, ed. by Greifeneder MKE, pp. 742 - 748, Illinois, |
Information Research, 19(2) |
In:Der Vergangenheit eine Zukunft, ed. by Klimpel PK, Euler E, pp. 98–121, iRights.Media. (ISBN: 9783944362069) |
New Technology of library and information service, 30(3):26-34. |
Library Hi Tech, 31(1) |
In:Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Recommender systems, pp. 343–346, ACM. RecSys '13. New York, NY, USA, |
Library Hi Tech, 31(1):182 - 188. |
In:Contributions to the 11th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ed. by Cellier P, Distel F, Ganter B, pp. 19–34, |
In:Handbuch Methoden der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft : Bibliotheks-, Benutzerforschung, Informationsanalyse, ed. by Konrad Umlauf SF, pp. 257-283, DeGruyter Saur. (ISBN: 978-3-11-025554-6) |
Vereinigung Oesterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. Mitteilungen, 66(1/2):233. |
In:Recent Developments in the Design, Construction, and Evaluation of Digital Libraries: Case Studies, ed. by Cool C, Ng KB, pp. 141-163, IGI Global. |
cs.IR, 1310.1498 |
Information : Wissenschaft und Praxis, 64(2/3):127-136. |
In:Auf dem Weg zur Digitalen Bibliothek, ed. by Degkwitz A, pp. 30-36, Universitätsbibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
Password, (10):36–37. |
In:Handbuch Methoden der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften: Bibliotheks-, Benutzerforschung, Informationsanalyse, ed. by Konrad Umlauf MS, pp. 41-63, De Gruyter Saur. |
In:Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation Handbuch zur Einführung in die Informationswissenschaft und -praxis, ed. by Rainer Kuhlen DS, pp. 136-138, De Gruyter Saur. |
In:Handbuch Methoden der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften: Bibliotheks-, Benutzerforschung, Informationsanalyse, ed. by Konrad Umlauf MS, pp. 315-337, De Gruyter Saur. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (23):43-63. |
Information, Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2-3):69-74. |
Information : Wissenschaft und Praxis, 64(2/3):69-73. |
Information, Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2-3):107-114. |
PLoS ONE, 8(11) |
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 64(2-3) |
Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 64(2-3):86-95. |
Password, (5):24–26. |
Information : Wissenschaft und Praxis, 64(2/3):137-147. |
In:Spring 2013 Membership Meeting of the Coalition for Networked for Networked Information (CNI), San Antonio, |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur , 1(3):116-126. |
In:13. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2013), Potsdam, 19. bis 22. März 2013, ed. by Hobohm H, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Potsdam, Deutschland, |
Password, (4):27. |
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, 1(1):141-146. |
Password, (11):16–17. |
Library Hi Tech, 30(2):367-375. |
Library Hi Tech, 30(3):545-552. |
In:Recommender Systems for the Social Web, ed. by Pazos Arias JJ, Fernández Vilas A, Díaz Redondo RP, pp. 65–87, Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-642-25694-3) |
Password, (9):24–25. |
Cities, Spaces, Libraries. Tendenze architettoniche. Giornata di studio del CNBA, :117–123. |
Password, (7+8):30–31. |
In:Third International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF, ed. by Forner P, Karlgren J, Womser-Hacker C, Ferro N, CEUR. Rome, Italy, |
In:Berliner Handreichungen zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft 325, Konrad Umlauf. |
In:Proceedings BOBCATSSS 2012 – 20th International Conference on Information Science. Amsterdam, 23-25 January 2012, ed. by Simon WRI, Bock + Herchen. Bad Honnef, |
In:Handbuch Bibliothek. Geschichte, Aufgaben, Perspektiven, ed. by Umlauf S, pp. 146-152, Metzler-Verlag. (ISBN: 978-3-476-02376-6) |
In:Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web, pp. 1–8, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
Library Hi Tech, 30(3):381-383. |
In:Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, ed. by Éric Archambault VL, pp. 628-639, Science-Metrix and OST.. Montréal, |
Library Hi Tech, 30(4):2. |
In:Proceedings of the 4th ACM RecSys workshop on Recommender systems and the social web, pp. 9–16, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
Library Hi Tech, 30(2):205-209. |
Library Hi Tech, 30(1) |
Password, (3):28–29. |
In:Vernetztes Wissen – Daten, Menschen, Systeme. 6. Konferenz der Zentralbibliothek Forschungszentrum Jülich, ed. by Mittermaier B, pp. 149-164, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Reihe Bibliothek / Library. |
Password, (10):22–24. |
Password, (12):18–19. |
Password, (5):30–31. |
In:MTSR: Research Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research, ed. by Dodero JM, Palomo-Duarte M, Karampiperis P, pp. 252-263, Springer. Metadata and Semantics Research. 6th Research Conference, MTSR 2012, Cádiz, Spain, November 28-30, 2012. Proceedings, |
In:Formal Concept Analysis, ed. by Domenach F, Ignatov D, Poelmans J, pp. 77–95, Springer. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
In:Vernetztes Wissen – Daten, Menschen, Systeme. 6. Konferenz der Zentralbibliothek Forschungszentrum Jülich, ed. by Mittermaier B, pp. 61-74, Verlag des Forschungszentrums Jülich. |
Springer. |
In:Social Media und Web Science: Das Web als Lebensraum. Proceedings der 2. DGI-Konferenz und 63. Jahrestagung der DGI, ed. by M. Ockenfeld &KW, pp. 405-407, Frankfurt am Main, |
In:EERQI (Working Title), VS-Verlag. |
In:Aligning National Approaches to Digital Preservation, ed. by Institute E, Atlanta, GA, |
IFLA journal, :60-67. |
Library Hi Tech, 30(4):557 - 564. |
Password, (2):26–27. |
Password, (6):32–33. |
CMS-Journal, (35):63-68. |
cms-journal, (35):7-10. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (21) |
In:BOBCATSSS 2012 - 20th International Conference on Information Science., pp. 272-279, Proceedings BOBCATSSS 2012 – 20th International Conference on Information Science. Amsterdam, 23-25 January 2012., |
In:Knowledge Processing and Data Analysis, ed. by Wolff KE, Palchunov DE, Zagoruiko NG, Andelfinger U, pp. 136–149, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
In:Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft 58, Proceedings des 12. Internationalen Symposiums der Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011), pp. 136-147, |
Password, (6):32–33. |
In:12. Internationales Symposium für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011), ed. by Griesbaum J, Mandl T, Womser-Hacker C, pp. 172-183, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Hildesheim, |
Password, (4):4, 6-7. |
Library Hi Tech, 29(1) |
Library Hi Tech, 29(3) |
Library Hi Tech, 29(2) |
Library Hi Tech, 29(4) |
BUB, 63(10):726–729. |
In:CLEF 2011 Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 2011., ed. by Petras V, Forner P, Clough P, Ferro N, CEUR. Amsterdam, Netherlands, |
BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 63(4):257. |
Library Hi Tech, 29(1) |
Library Hi Tech, 29(3) |
In:Benutzerorientierte Bibliotheken im Web, ed. by , Schweibenz W, pp. 75–94, DE GRUYTER SAUR. |
Information Technology, 53(3):101–107. |
ZWD-Magazin Bildung, Gesellschaft und Politik, (7):6-8. |
Password, (1):20–21. |
Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA. |
Password, (12):34–35. |
Password, (10):40–41. |
In:CLEF 2011 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, ed. by Petras V, Forner P, Clough P, Ferro N, CEUR. Amsterdam, Netherlands, |
In:CLEF 2011 Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 19-22, 2011., ed. by Petras V, Forner P, Clough P, Ferro N, pp. 1-4, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Amsterdam, Netherlands, |
In:JCDL '11 - Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 421-422, ACM New York. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, |
Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 7(1) |
Password, (5):30–31. |
Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62(2-3):125-126. |
In:ISI 2009 - 1th International Symposium of Information Science, ed. by Griesbaum J, Mandl T, Womser-Hacker C, pp. 503-504, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Hildesheim, Germany, |
AI Magazine, 32(3):46–56. |
In:International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2011, |
Password, (11):30–31. |
In:Recommender Systems Handbook, ed. by Ricci F, Rokach L, Shapira B, Kantor PB, pp. 615–644, Springer. (ISBN: 978-0-387-85820-3) |
Password, (9):8–12. |
In:Proceedings of the ACM WebSci Conference, pp. 1–4, New York, NY, USA, |
In:IFLA 2011, pp. 1-12, |
In:TPDL'11 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Theory and practice of digital libraries: research and advanced technology for digital libraries, ed. by Meghini C, Schuldt H, Springer. Springer's Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS). |
Password, (2):32-33, 36. |
Password, (7+8):32–33. |
In:Zur urheberrechtlichen Gestaltung von Repositorien, ed. by IUWIS, pp. 8-27, Eigenverlag unter Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz. |
Library Hi Tech, 29(2):205–209. |
Password, (3):22–23. |
In:CLEF 2011 Conference, ed. by Petras V, Forner P, Clough P, Ferro N, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. |
In:Proceedings of the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2010, ed. by Lalmas M, Jose J, Rauber A, Sebastiani F, Frommholz I, pp. 417–420, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
Password, (11):30–31. |
In:CLEF 2010 - Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation, ed. by Braschler M, Harman D, Pianta E, Ferro N, CEUR. Padua, Italy, |
In:Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation - International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2010, Padua, Italy, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings, ed. by Agosti M, Ferro N, Peters C, Rijke Md, Smeaton A, pp. 140-144, Springer. Padua, Italy, |
Password, (9):34–36. |
Library Hi Tech, 28(2) |
Library Hi Tech, 28(4) |
In:ALLES BUCH. Studien der Erlanger Buchwissenschaft, ed. by Rautenberg U, Titel V, Buchwissenschaft / Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. |
In:Globalisation and the Management of Information Resources. Papers from the International Conference Sofia, Bulgaria, 12-14 November 2008, ed. by Dimchev HKAA, pp. 203-209, |
Password, (12):32–33. |
Password, (10):14–15. |
Password, (6):26–27. |
Password, (5):26–27. |
In:Datenschutzrecht, ed. by Jahnel D, pp. 211-236, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. |
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft. |
In:Informatik in der DDR, ed. by Schirmbacher WCP, pp. 183-196, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. |
BuB-Forum Bibliothek und Information, |
In:Wissenschaftsstadt Berlin, pp. 44-45, Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche e. V.. |
In:Wissenschaftsstadt Berlin, ed. by V. BW, pp. 44 - 45, Berliner Wirtschaftsgespräche e. V.. |
In:Business Planning for Digital Libraries. International Approaches., ed. by Collier M, pp. 157-166, Leuven University Press. |
Library Hi Tech, 28(4) |
In:Bei Vielfalt Chancengleichheit, ed. by Marianne Krüger-Potratz HHR, pp. 177 - 184, Waxmann. |
In:Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen. Proceedings der 11. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation Konstanz, 20. bis 22. Februar 2008, ed. by Sieglerschmidt J, Ohly PH, pp. 91-102, Ergon. Konstanz, |
Password, (7+8):18–19. |
Information – Wissenschaft und Praxis, 60(3) |
Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis, :293-305. |
In:Semantic Web & LinkedData. Elemente zukünftiger Informationsinfrastrukturen. Proceedings der 1.DGI-Konferenz, 7. bis 9. Oktober 2010 in Frankfurt am Main, ed. by Ockenfeld M, pp. 127-134, |
Password, (1):8–12. |
In:Perspektive Studienqualität, ed. by GmbH H, pp. 104-114, Bertelsmann Verlag. |
pp. 916-916, ACM. SIGIR '10. New York, NY, USA, |
In:Lobbyarbeit für Information Professionals: Grundlagen - Beispiele – Empfehlungen, Bock & Herchen. |
In:Wissenswerkstatt Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, |
IFLA Journal, 36(1):61-69. |
JusIT – Zeitschrift für IT-Recht, 21(2):48-53. |
In:ICDL 2010, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, |
In:Digitale Arbeitstechniken für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften , ed. by Haber MGP, pp. 185-201, Böhlau Verlag. |
In:Electronic Thesis and Dissertations 2010, Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. |
In:Open Repositories Conference, Open Repositories Conference. |
ABI-Technik, :174-181. |
In:folgt, pp. 20, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, |
HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 271:47–58. |
Datenbank-Spektrum, 10(1):15–24. |
Library Hi Tech, 28(1) |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 16:55-56. |
Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 6(2) |
In:Social Software @ Work. Collaborative Work, Communication and Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, ed. by Peters I, Puschmann C, Trkulja V, Weller K, CEUR. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. |
In:FLaReNet Forum 2010: Language Resources of the future - the future of Language Resources, ed. by Calzolari N, Baroni P, Monachini M, Soria C, pp. 39-41, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR. Barcelona, Spain, |
In:World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, |
The VLDB Journal, 19(6):849–875. |
B.I.T. online , 13(4):391-393. |
In:Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation. International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2010, Padua, Italy, September 20-23, 2010, ed. by Agosti M, Ferro N, Peters C, Rijke Md, Smeaton A, pp. 70-81, Springer. Padua, Italy, |
Password, (1):20. |
BuB – Forum Bibliothek und Information, 61:282-283. |
Library Hi Tech, 27(2) |
Library Hi Tech, 27(4) |
cms-journal, (32):29-32. |
In:Leben – Lernen – Kultur, pp. 28-36, Karlsruhe, |
|, :11-15. |
Library Hi Tech, 27(9) |
Library Hi Tech, 27(1) |
cms-journal, (32):7-12. |
In:Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons? Wertschöpfungs- und Transformationsprozesse auf den Informationsmärkten. Proceedings des 11. Internationalen Symposiums für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2009), Konstanz, 1.-3. April 2009, ed. by Kuhlen R, Boizenburg, |
cms-journal, (32):41-46. |
Password, (1):16–18. |
cms-journal, (32):3-4. |
cms-journal, (32):5-6. |
Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung. |
Information Wissenschaft & Praxis, 60(5):259-264. |
In:Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, ed. by Peters C, Deselaers T, Ferro N, Gonzalo J, Jones GJF, Kuriomo M, Mandl T, Peňas A, Petras V, pp. 1002, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, |
Password, (6):18-19, 23. |
Password, (5):18–19. |
pp. 5, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin; Hannover, |
In:SWIB09, Semantic Web in Bibliotheken, |
cms-journal, (31):7-10. |
cms-journal, (32):109-111. | - Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(3):300-302. |
In:HT '09: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, ed. by Cattuto C, Ruffo G, Menczer F, pp. 323–324, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
In:Information: Droge, Ware oder Commons?, ed. by Kuhlen R, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch. Proceedings of the ISI. |
cms-journal, (32):14-19. |
In:Buchwissenschaft in Deutschland, ed. by Rautenberg U, pp. 655-766, de Gruyter. |
D-Lib Magazine, 15(9/10) |
cms-journal, (32):33-37. |
cms-journal, (32):20-23. |
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, 23(4):141 - 201. |
Knowledge Organization, 36(1):63-65. |
cms-journal, (32):99-101. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (14) |
In:Social Semantic Web, ed. by Blumauer A, Pellegrini T, pp. 363–391, Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-540-72215-1) |
In:Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning, ed. by Benz D, Janssen F, pp. 44–51, |
In:RecSys '09: Proceedings of the third ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pp. 369–372, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
In:Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008, Aarhus, Denmark, September 17-19, 2008, ed. by Peters C, Deselaers T, Ferro N, Gonzalo J, Jones GJF, Kurimo M, Mandl T, Peñas A, Vivien P, pp. 186-198, Springer. Aarhus, Denmark, |
Library Hi Tech, 27(3) |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (14) |
cms-journal, (32):47-54. |
Password, (11):18–19. |
In:Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval. 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007, ed. by Peters C, Jijkoun V, Mandl T, Müller H, Oard DW, Peňas A, Petras V, Santos D, pp. 922, Springer. Lecture Notes for Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, |
In:Social Web Communities, ed. by Alani H, Staab S, Stumme G, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Dagstuhl, Germany, |
Password, (2):16-19 + 21. |
In:Kooperation versus Eigenprofil? 31. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung der ASpB e.V., 2007, ed. by u.a. UF, pp. 427-437, Universitätsverlag. Karlsruhe, |
Password, (12):22–23. |
In:International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2008), ed. by Greenberg J, Klas W, pp. 177-182, Berlin, |
Library Hi Tech, 27(1) |
Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information, 45(3):34-36. |
Library Hi Tech, 26(2) |
Library Hi Tech, 26(4) |
Library Hi Tech, 26(3) |
International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 38(3):43-52. |
BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 60:814-817. |
Password, (4):14–16. |
In:Datenschutzrecht und E-Government 2010, ed. by Jahnel D, pp. 3-8, NWV Verlag. |
Humboldt-Spektrum, (2-3):58-63. |
Information – Wissenschaft und Praxis, 59(2):142–148. |
In:60. Jahrestagung der DGI, ed. by Ockenfeld M, pp. 141–148, DGI. Verfügbarkeit von Informationen - 30. Online-Tagung der DGI, 60. Jahrestagung der DGI, Frankfurt am Main, 15. bis 17. Oktober 2008. Proceedings, |
Poiesis Praxis, 5(2):139-153. |
Poiesis & Praxis. International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science, 5(2):139-153. |
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, 6(1):38–53. |
Forum für Bibliothek und Information (BuB), 60(1):42-43. |
Library Hi Tech News, 25(8):1-3. |
In:16th BOBCATSSS Symposium 2008 – Providing Access to Information for Everyone, 16th BOBCATSSS Symposium. |
VÖB-Mitteilungen, 61(2):32-44. |
First Monday, 13(1) |
Library Hi Tech, 26(4):654-662. |
In:Bibliotheken gestalten Zukunft: Kooperative Wege zur Digitalen Bibliothek, ed. by Evelinde Hutzler GS, pp. 149-156, Universitätsverlag Göttingen. |
Library Hi Tech, 26(4):509-511. |
IASLonline [07.01.2008], |
DuD - Datenschutz und Datensicherheit , 32(7):455-460. |
In:Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2008), pp. 192–193, AAAI Press. Menlo Park, CA, USA, |
In:HT '08: Proceedings of the Nineteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp. 157–166, ACM. New York, NY, USA, |
DIE ZEIT Medienkunde, |
Library Hi Tech, 26(2):161-163. |
IT Lib Informacne technologie a kniznice, (4):30-35. |
In:What the Hell is Quality. Qualitätsstandards in den Geisteswissenschaften, ed. by Elisabeth Lack CM, pp. 230-250, Campus. |
In:Verfügbarkeit von Informationen, ed. by Ockenfeld M, Frankfurt am Main, |
Library Review, 57(3):213-224. |
Mitteilungsblatt der Bibliotheken in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, (138):21-23. |
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, 62:227-230. |
Forum für Bibliothek und Information (BuB), 60(2):165-166. |
In:Philosophy of the information society : Proceedings of the 30. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2007, ed. by Hrachovec H, Pichler A, pp. 275-286, Ontos-Verl.. Frankfurt [u.a.], |
AI Communications, 21(4):231–247. |
Library Hi Tech, 26(3):337-341. |
Mitteilungsblatt der Bibiotheken in Niedersachen und Sachsen-Anhalt, (139):11-16. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (12) |
In:Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2007), ed. by Priss U, Polovina S, Hill R, pp. 283–295, Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
Library Hi Tech, 25(4) |
In:Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft, ed. by Anz T, pp. 209-217, Metzler. |
In:Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007, ed. by Frank Havemann WU, pp. 89-102, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung. |
In:Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek. Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007, ed. by Frank Havemann WU, pp. 137-158, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung e.V. |
In:Berliner Handreichungen zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. |
In:Erfolgreiches Management von Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen, ed. by Prof. H.-C. Hobohm PKU, Dashöfer. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (8) |
Knygotyra, (47):75–104. |
In:Berliner Handreichungen zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. |
LIBRES, 17(2) |
Library Hi Tech, 25(3):430―435. |
Library Hi Tech, 25(2):298―304. |
Bibliotheksdienst, (41):1275-1281. |
Library High Tech , 25(2):169-173. |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB), 54(4-5):183-193. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (10) |
BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, 59(11-12):835-838. |
In:Digitales Wissen in der Wissensgesellschaft : Literatur, Computerspiel und Wissenschaftspraxis, ed. by Segeberg H, pp. 79-88, Wachholtz. |
Bock + Herchen. |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB), 54(4-5):160-161. |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (10) |
Information Research, 12(4) |
In:Marketing of Information Services. Proceedings of the 15th BOBCATSSS Symposium Prague 29-31 Jan 2007, ed. by I. Simon RP, pp. 154-163, |
In:Open Access. Chancen und Herausforderungen – ein Handbuch, ed. by e.V DU, pp. 42-45, UNESCO. |
College & Research Libraries, 68(5):376-387. |
In:Integriertes Informationsmanagement an Hochschulen - Quo Vadis Universität 2.0?, ed. by Maertin Gaedke RB, pp. 91-107, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe. |
Mitteilungsblatt der Bibliotheken in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, (136):29-32. |
freiraum, (2) |
Bibliotheksdienst, (41):10-18. |
Justament , 7(2):14-15. |
Bibliotheksdienst, 41(6):624–629. |
Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management, (36):52-59. |
In:Erfolgreiches Management von Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen (2007). Hans-Christoph Hobohm, Konrad Umlauf (Hrsg.) Loseblatt-Ausg., 20. Ergänzungslieferung, Dashöfer. |
In:Schlüsselqualifikation Sprache: Anforderungen - Standards – Vermittlung. Jahrestagung 2007 der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL)., ed. by Lenz F, Peter Lang [Forum Angewandte Linguistik]. Hildesheim, |
In:Korean-German Scientist Workshop, |
In:Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007 – Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek , ed. by Umstätter FHHPW, pp. 51-70, |
Justament , 7(3):14-15. |
VDM Verlag. |
In:Open Access - Chancen und Herausforderungen. Ein Handbuch, ed. by e.V. DU, pp. 22-25, Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V.. |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB), 54(4-5):170-173. |
In:Information in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Wirtschaft. Proceedings der 59. Jahrestagung der DGI, ed. by Ockenfeld M, pp. 11-16, Frankfurt/Main, |
In:Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge (CKC 2007) at WWW 2007, ed. by Alani H, Noy N, Stumme G, Mika P, Sure Y, Vrandecic D, Banff, Canada, |
freiraum, (4) |
LIBREAS, 3(1/2) |
LIBREAS, 3(1/2) |
In:Berliner Handreichungen zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. |
In:Workshop Proceedings of Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität (LWA 2007), ed. by Hinneburg A, pp. 13-20, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. |
In:Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007, 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, ed. by Kok JN, Koronacki J, Mántaras RL, Matwin S, Mladenic D, Skowron A, pp. 506-514, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, |
In:Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval. 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007, ed. by Peters C, Jijkoun V, Mandl T, Müller H, Oard D, Peňas A, Petras V, Santos D, pp. 160-173, Springer. Budapest, Hungary, |
Library Hi Tech, 25(1) |
New Library World, 108(3/4):151–164. |
In:Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek. Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007, ed. by Frank Havemann WU, pp. 93-106, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung e.V.. |
In:Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek. Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007, ed. by Frank Havemann WU, pp. 167-178, Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung e.V. |
Harrassowitz. |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB), 54(4-5):238-242. |
freiraum, (2) |
In:Proceedings of The International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Seventh COLLNET Meeting on 10-12 May, Nancy 2006, pp. 129-137, COLLNET. |
Serials Review, 32(2):73–77. |
Password, (2):30. |
Harrassowitz. |
In:Proceedings of the Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop at the 14th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ed. by Moor A, Polovina S, Delugach H, Aalborg University Press. Aalborg, Denmark, |
Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration, 1(6) |
In:The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, ed. by Sure Y, Domingue J, pp. 530–544, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
In:Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries, New Dehli, India, December 2006, New Delhi, India, |
Library Hi Tech, 24(2):305–310. |
Library Hi Tech, 24(1):153–159. |
Library Hi Tech, 24(3) |
In:Vom Wandel der Wissensorganisation im Informationszeitalter. Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Umlauf P, pp. 65-89, Bock + Herchen. (ISBN: 9783883472485) |
In:Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories. 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum, CLEF 2005, ed. by Peters C, Gey FC, Gonzalo J, Müller H, Jones GJF, Kluck M, Magnini B, Rijke Md, pp. 226-237, Springer. Vienna, Austria, |
Libreas, (5) |
Library Hi Tech, 24(1) |
In:Erfolgreiches Management von Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen, ed. by Hobohm H, Umlauf K, Dashöfer. |
Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik, 38(1):109-114. |
BuB Forum für Bibliothek und Information, 58(10):678–679. |
Password, (10):24–25. |
In:Informatik 2006 - Informatik für Menschen, ed. by Hochberger C, Liskowsky R, pp. 305–312, Gesellschaft für Informatik. Lecture Notes in Informatics. Bonn, |
In:Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories. 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum, CLEF 2005, ed. by Peters C, Gey FC, Gonzalo J, Müller H, Jones GJF, Kluck M, Magnini B, Rijke Md, pp. 908-919, Vienna, Austria, |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (5) |
In:The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, ed. by Sure Y, Domingue J, pp. 411–426, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (7) |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 53(3/4):205. |
In:Vom Wandel der Wissensorganisation im Informationszeitalter. Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Hauke K, pp. 3-5, BOCK + HERCHEN. |
Libreas, (5) |
Harrassowitz. |
In:Vom Wandel der Wissensorganisation im Informationszeitalter. Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Hauke K, pp. 191–223, BOCK + HERCHEN. |
In:Data Science and Classification, ed. by Batagelj V, Bock H, Ferligoj A, Žiberna A, pp. 261–270, Springer. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
In:Vom Wandel der Wissensorganisation im Informationszeitalter. Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Hauke P, Umlauf K, pp. 225-237, BOCK + HERCHEN. |
Wissensmanagement - Zeitschrift für Innovation (special), (1):4–5. |
Password, (2):28. |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit, :20–25. |
In:Save Paper. Mass Deacidification. Today's Experoences - Tomorrow's Perspectives. Papers given at the International Conference Save Paper 15-17 Februrary 2006, Swiss National Library, ed. by Blüher A, Grossenbacher G, pp. 21-36, |
BuB Forum für Bibliothek und Information, 58(11/12):783-787. |
In:Erfolgreiches Management von Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen, ed. by Hobohm H, Umlauf K, Dashöfer. |
In:94. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Düsseldorf 2005. "Geld ist rund und rollt weg, aber Bildung bleibt, ed. by Kathrin Kessen. DL, pp. 129-141, Klostermann. |
IASLonline, |
BuB Forum für Bibliothek und Information, 58(11/12):475–476. |
In:The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, ed. by Sure Y, Domingue J, pp. 514–529, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg, |
In:Management, Marketing and Promotion of Library Services Based on Statistics, Analyses and Evaluation, ed. by Flaten TK, pp. 33-42, K.G. Saur. |
Scientometrics, 66(2):311–325. |
In:Vom Wandel der Wissenschaftstorganisation im Informationszeitalter. Festschrift für Walther Umstätter zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Konrad Umlauf PH, pp. 91 - 105, Bock+Herchen. |
In:Opening information horizons : 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 151-160, ACM New York. Chapel Hill, NC, |
In:Proc. First International Conference on Semantics And Digital Media Technology (SAMT), ed. by Avrithis YS, Kompatsiaris Y, Staab S, O'Connor NE, pp. 56-70, Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg, |
In:ICDM '06: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 907–911, IEEE Computer Society. Washington, DC, USA, |
In:Information, Innovation, Responsibility: The Information Professional in the Network Society : proceedings of the 14th BOBCATSSS Symposium, 30. January – 1. February 2006 in Tallinn, Estonia, pp. 413-420, |
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 53(3/4):205. |
Password, (2):6–8. |
In:Proc. 18. Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, ed. by Braß S, Hinneburg A, pp. 80-84, Martin-Luther-Universität. Halle-Wittenberg, |
LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (4) |
Wissenschaftsmanagement, Special "Open Access"(1):20-21. |
In:Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories. 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum, CLEF 2005, Vienna, Austria, |
Bibliotheksdienst, (39):1553-1582. |
European Science Editing, :5-7. |
Password, (5):12–14. |
In:Proceedings of ISSI 2005, the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Stockholm, July 2005, ed. by P. Ingwerson BL, pp. 770-774, ISSI. |
In:94. Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Düsseldorf 2005. "Geld ist rund und rollt weg, aber Bildung bleibt", ed. by Lülfing I, Klostermann. Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie / Sonderheft. Frankfurt am Main, |
In:Die innovative Bibliothek, ed. by Nielsen E, Saur KG, Ceynowa K, pp. 107-120, K.G. Saur. |
cms-Journal, (27):19-22. |
In:Newspapers in Central and Eastern Europe. Papers presented at an IFLA Conference, held in Berlin, August 2003 = Zeitungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa, ed. by Walravens H, Schilling M, pp. 23-29, K.G. Saur. |
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 41(3-4):193-225. |
cms-Journal, (26):69-72. |
Password, (5):37–40. |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(1):3-12. |
In:Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories. 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum, CLEF 2005, ed. by Peters C, Gey FC, Gonzalo J, Müller H, Jones G, Kluck M, Magnini B, Rijke Md, pp. 963-976, Springer. Vienna, Austria, |
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