Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin School of Library and Information Science




Vivien Petras, Prof., PhD

Vivien Petras is the director of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science and has been a professor for Information Retrieval since 2009. She received her PhD from the School of Information Management and Systems (today School of Information) at the University of California, Berkeley in 2006. After her dissertation, she worked at the Department for Information Science Research and development at GESIS, today the Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. Her research foci are the evaluation of information systems, multilingual aspects in information retrieval, information systems for cultural heritage and knowledge organization. She is actively involved in the German public information infrastructure landscape, for example by participating in scientific boards, working groups, and evaluation committees. Profile

Zum Profil von Vivien Petras


Sandra Balck, M.A.

Sandra Balck has been a Research Associate in the SoNAR (IDH) - Interfaces to Data for Historical Social Network Analysis and Research project since October 2020. She holds a bachelor's degree in library management and a master's degree in Information science. Her research interests include evaluation of information systems and information visualization as well as digital humanities. Profile

Maria Gäde, Dr.

Maria Gäde is a senior lecturer. She is responsible for study counseling, internship support and Erasmus coordination at the Berlin School. She graduated from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the fields of library science (focus on documentation) and German linguistics and received her doctoral degree at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science in 2014. Her doctoral thesis deals with the analysis of user behavior in multilingual and intercultural information systems using the example of Europeana. Her research focuses on multilingual information retrieval, evaluation of information systems, quantitative and qualitative user studies, information literacy as well as didactics of knowledge transfers. Profile

Ben Kaden, M.A.

Ben Kaden has been research associate in the project i4G – Shaping the iSchools’ Identity and Interaction in a Globalized World since January 2020. He studied library science, sociology and political science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In his master’s thesis he investigated the effects of the then so-called Web 2.0 on academic communication. In various projects he dealt with different facets of the digital transformation of science. In addition, he is generally interested in the interactions of digitality, mediality, communication and culture. He is co-editor of the open access journal LIBREAS. Library Ideas, founded at the IBI, and a board member of LIBREAS e.V. Profile

Maxi Kindling, M.A.

Maxi Kindling works in the re3data COREF (Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories) project. The DFG-funded project started in January 2020 and aims to further develop the internationally established directory for research data repositories into a central open science service. In the context of the project, she is writing her PhD on the topic of quality assurance of digital research data in repositories. She has also been an officer at the Open-Access-Büro Berlin, which is based at the University Library of Freie Universität, since April 2019.

Maxi Kindling was a research assistant and lecturer at the IBI until March 2019 and supervised several third-party funded projects of the Electronic Publishing working group (including OA Network, OA Statistics, LAUDATIO, re3data) at Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmbacher's Information Management teaching and research department. After Prof. Schirmbacher's retirement, she moved to the Information Retrieval teaching and research area in 2017. Since 2005, she has been co-editor of the open access journal LIBREAS. Library Ideas, founded at IBI, a board member of LIBREAS e.V. as well as co-initiator of Libraries4Future. Profile

Michael Kleineberg, M.A.

Michael Kleineberg is a research assistant in the i4G project. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science (master’s thesis: “The elementary forms of classification – A structural-genetic contribution to information history”). He is currently doing his PhD on “Integrative levels of knowing – A cognitive-developmental approach to knowledge organization”. His research interests include historical and comparative cultural aspects of knowledge organization, academic publishing (Open Access, Enhanced Publishing) as well as the teaching of information literacy. Profile

Ulrike Liebner, M.A.

Ulrike Liebner is a research assistant and lecturer. In the distance learning postgraduate master's programme "Library and Information Science", she takes on coordination and advisory tasks. She holds a bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science as well as music and media studies and a master's degree in Library and Information Science. Her teaching and research interests include public relations, information and society, information research and information literacy education. Profile

Nico Saß, M.A.

Nico Saß is a research assistant and lecturer. In the postgraduate master's programme "Library and Information Science", he takes on advisory and coordination tasks. He studied Library and Information Science as well as History in his bachelor's degree and then Information Science in his master's degree at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In his master's thesis, he dealt with the topic of Industry 4.0 and its connection with Library and Information Science. In addition to Industry 4.0 and Work 4.0, his research interests lie in process analysis and optimisation of data processing and communication processes as well as electronic record keeping. Profile

Hannes Schnaitter, M.A.

Hannes Schnaitter is a research assistant and lecturer. In the distance learning postgraduate education master's programme "Library and Information Science" he takes on coordination and advisory tasks. He is also involved in the SoNAR project (IDH). He has a Bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science with a second subject in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Information Science. His research interests are the evaluation of courses and information systems as well as the question of the trustworthiness of such systems, e.g. with regard to data quality, algorithms and result lists. Profile

Christiane Strauß, M.A.

Christiane Strauß has been a research associate and lecturer since 2015. In the institute's postgraduate distance executive programme "Master of Library and Information Science", she takes on coordination and counseling tassks. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science and german literature and a master’s degree in Library and Information Science. Her teaching and research interests are data quality in information systems, especially the measurement and evaluation of quality dimensions. Furthermore she is interested in philosophical ethic in Library and Information Science, diversity and interculturality in libraries. Profile

Dorothea Strecker, M.A.

Dorothea Strecker is a research associate in the re3data COREF (Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories) project. Her research interests lie in the areas of open science and research data management, especially information infrastructures and the description of research data. After a Bachelor's degree in Library Management at FH Potsdam, she completed the Master's programme in Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2021. Profile

Ulla Wimmer, Dr.

Ulla Wimmer is an assistant researcher and lecturer. She coordinates IBI's distant executive education programme "Master of Library and Information Science". After graduating as a librarian for public libraries from Freie Universität Berlin, she worked at the German Libraries Institute, Public Library of Berlin-Neukölln and the German Library Association before joining the IBI in 2012. She holds a masters' degree in cultural studies and business administration (Thesis: "Measuring Culture. Counting, Comparing and Evaluating in the cultural Field", 2003). She completed her PhD at the IBI in 2018 (Thesis: "The Position of Public Libraries in the Library Field and Professional Discourse since 1964."). She is interested in cultural, sociological and historical aspects of libraries and information, esp. the sociology of professions and gender aspects, as well as quantitative research methods and statistics. Profile

Studentische MitarbeiterInnen

Max Bittner

Max Bittner is a student assistent and has been studying Library and Information Science since 2018 as well as English at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Profile

Sophia Dörner

Sophia Dörner is a student assistant and has been studying in the master's programme in Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 2019. Before that she completed her Bacherlor's degree in Library and Information Science as well as Musicology, also at Humbold-Universität zu Berlin. Profile

Konstantin Helm

Konstantin Helm is a student assistant in the postgraduate master's programme "Library and Information Science" in distance learning. Profile

Clara Schindler

Clara Schindler is a student assisstant in the postgraduate master's programme "Library Science" in distance learning and has been studying in the master's programme in Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 2020. Previously, she completed her bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science and German Literature, also at Humboldt-Universität. Profile

Yi Wang

Yi Wang is a student assistant in the re3data COREF project. Profile

Josefine Zinck

Josefine Zinck is a student assistent at the project SoNAR (IDH) and has been studying Library and Information Science as well as American Studies since 2017 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Profile

Ehemalige MitarbeiterInnen

  • Dröge, Evelyn, M.A.
  • Fentz, Maria
  • Grützner-Zahn, Annika
  • Havemann, Frank, Dr.
  • Hennicke, Steffen, M.A.
  • Iwanowa, Julia, M.A.
  • Menzel, Sina, M.A.
  • Mielke, Leonard
  • Olensky, Marlies, Mag.(FH)
  • Plewka, Paulina
  • Pohl, Oliver
  • Stiller, Juliane, Dr.
  • Trkulja, Violeta, Dr.