Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin School of Library and Information Science

Historical Aspects

Guidelines and Assessment Criteria

Guidelines and assessment criteria for this topic are still being processed. 



Contact Person: Dr. Karla Schmidt

Via the homepage to the special collection (General topic)

  • Investigate how historical special collections can be accessed through the website of your chosen library and evaluate your findings. You can also select more than just one library to compare accessibility.

Contact person: Dr. Karla Schmidt 

Digizsation of historical library collections (General topic)

  • Examine digital material of one library's collections or partial stocks with historical interest. 
  • Focus on aspects like:
    • Goal of the digitization
    • Informational value of the digital documents 
    • Users expectations to quality and availability
    • Effort/Benefit relationship 
    • Requirements and implementation possibilities