Theses Topics
This and the following pages provide you with several topic proposals for your Master's or Bachelor's theses, that can be mentored by the Digital Library group. Furthermore, you are free to cover a self-selectet topic, assuming that your poposal has been agreed on in advance by a lecturer of the chair.
It is highly recommended to contact your supervising lecturer to be as early as possible.
The "Topic Area 1: Scientific Literature Studies" follows a common modell of lots of american Library Schools. Students can realise their Bachelor thesis in the form either of annotated bibliographies or literature reviews.
The "Topic Area 2: Qualitative and quantitative Analysis" deals for example with bibliometric and infometric measuring methods, e.g. to analyse scientific networks or information massives.
The "Topic Area 3: User Studies" does not only concern fundamental and applied research, but is also meant to develop future-orientated research methodologies.
"Topic Area 4: Historical Aspects" follows up historic collections and their role in our digital age.
Responsibility to attend the Research Training Group
Students who want to write their thesis with Prof. Michael Seadle, Prof. Vivien Petras or Elke Greifeneder have to take an active part at the research training group of information retrieval (Tuesday, 4 to 6 pm) at least one semester.
The research training group will go through fundamental aspects of scientific work such as research methods, research question or the literature review, combinded with the discussion of individual work. In exceptional cases, the training group can also be attended one semester before writing the final paper.
This provision applies beginning winter semester 2009/2010.