Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin School of Library and Information Science

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Library and Information Science | Teaching at IBI | Study Programs | BA Information Management and Information Technology

BA Information Management and Information Technology

Please notice: The Program is offered in German!


Program design

The Mono-Bachelor program combines courses of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science and the School of Computer Science at Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin in a curriculum that focuses on computer assisted information processes.

The program conveys basic technical and organizational skills necessary to index, store, mediate, impart, represent, retrieve, and analyze information and knowledge of any kind.

Furthermore, the students acquire an expertise in information and knowledge management systems, in particular data organization and structuring.

The program differs from a pure computer science curriculum insofar as it is aligned with current organizational, social and administrative structures (publishers, libraries, public authorities, enterprises etc.), it incorporates digital media topics and emphasizes sociopolitical problems. A high practical orientation makes technical and theoretical subjects less central than in classic computer science programs. Nevertheless, a minimum of 5 modules in mathematics and computer science cover core subjects like software development, algorithms and relational databases.

Unlike a classical library and information science curriculum, this program has a stronger focus on the technical basics of information management, the inclusion of formal mathematical principles and more in-depth instruction for the design, development and maintenance of information processing systems.

Vocational field & qualification

Graduates of this program enter the job market with a broad range of prospects, since technological competence in the field of information infrastructure is of high value today. Our students will be suited for positions that call for both modeling information, systems and use patterns, as well as applied system development. The number of job offers in IT-related fields such as software or database maintenance and analysis, advisory services or technical management is steadily in a triple-digit range. Especially the city of Berlin is, due to its aging administrative personnel, expected to emphasize on tech-savviness in its future appointments - as expressed in its program "ServiceStadt Berlin" and as seen in the high-tech strategies of the federal administration with regards to e-government.

In contrast to the Mono-Bachelor Computer Science program, the INFOMIT program will enable our graduates to work in libraries, specialized information centers (Fachinformationszentrum), scientific associations, publishing houses and archives. They will be qualified for positions that ask for skills in software design and development in addition to the competencies normally acquired in a library and information science education.

In particular, the program qualifies for:

  • Analysis, modeling, development, implementation and maintenance of information systems in typical 'information institutions' (library, documentation, archives, publisher houses, museums), business corporations or public service (administration),
  • Conception, development, implementation and maintenance of data-, content- and knowledge-management solutions (media agencies, publisher houses, public administrations, enterprises, web economy),
  • Analysis, organization / structuring and presentation of data / information (e.g. in a journalistic context), including the world wide web,
  • Analysis, demand research and evaluation of use cases for information systems (consultancy),
  • Research and imparting scientific and technical information / teaching information literacy (educational institutions, academia),
  • In general: institutions in the libraries and archives landscape,
  • Managing information or knowledge institutions
  • E-Government.

Program schedule

The duration of study is 3 years which consist of 2 years for basic courses and 1 year for special courses. Besides obligatory and facultative courses, students will take part in a project seminar and a 7-week internship in an information institution. Furthermore, students acquire additional qualifications (BZQ) by choosing from a large variety of subject-specific and interdisciplinary courses. Courses can be performed as lectures, seminars, practical courses, exercise courses and field trips.

Of the 180 credit point quota for the Bachelor degree

  • 85 points are obtained in obligatory courses (both at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science and the School of Computer Science),
  • 50 points are obtained in elective courses (both at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science and the School of Computer Science*),
  • 10 points are obtained in a project seminar (taken at either the Berlin School of Library and Information Science or the School of Computer Science),
  • 10 points are obtained in BZQ courses, elected from the university's course offerings,
  • 10 points are obtained in the internship and
  • 15 points are obtained with the Bachelor thesis

* Course offerings at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science or the School of Computer Science that are not specified in the study guidelines may be accepted as facultative/elective courses upon approval by the examination board.



1. Semester
main subject

Grundlagen der Programmierung

main subject

Einführung i.d. Bibliotheks- u. Informationsw.


Lineare Algebra I*


2. Semester
main subject

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen

main subject

Informationsproduktion und -management

main subject

Human Information Behavior


3. Semester
main subject

Einführung in die theoretische Informatik

main subject

Informationsaufbereitung und -organisation


z.B. Informationsdidaktik


4. Semester
main subject

Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen



main subject



z.B. Kommunikationssysteme

5. Semester

Semesterprojekt oder Projektmodul


z.B. Human-Computer-Interaction



6. Semester



z.B. Compilerbau


Bearbeitungszeit: 18 Wochen + Verteidigung


*Statt des Moduls „Lineare Algebra 1 (M1)“ kann wahlweise ein entsprechendes Modul aus dem Angebot des Instituts für Mathematik eingebracht werden.

Lehrveranstaltung findet am Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft statt.

Lehrveranstaltung findet am Institut für Informatik statt.

Lehrveranstaltung kann an einem von beiden Instituten besucht werden.


Academic Advice Service

Library and
Information Science
Dr. Maria Gäde
Tel. (030) 2093-4226
E-Mail: maria.gaede (at)

Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Verena V. Hafner
Tel. (030) 2093-3905
E-Mail: hafner (at)


The responsible authority for admission regulation is the examination board of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science.

It is chaired by Prof. Dr. Vivien Petras



Berlin School of Library and Information Science

Prof. Dr. Vivien Petras
Dorotheenstr. 26
10117 Berlin
Tel. (030) 2093-4325
E-Mail: vivien.petras (at)

School of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Ulf Leser
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin
Tel. (030) 2093-3902
E-Mail: leser (at)